剩餘資產易主, Skully 智慧安全帽復活有望?

by jie

眾所矚目卻重跌慘敗的 Skully,有可能讓失望的贊助者們重燃期待嗎?

三年前,這款名為 “Skully” 的智慧安全帽登上 Indiegogo 集資,以兩天內近兩千人贊助、破百萬美金的驚人聲勢紅極一時,卻在 2016 年 8 月以「公司破產無法出貨」作結;收不到產品也拿不到退款的窘境,令當時許多贊助者到專案頁面留言表達不滿。(文章回顧:該保護生命的安全帽,卻連贊助者的荷包都保護不了⋯⋯)


又過了一年,當贊助者們早已拿 Skully 沒輒、不再對它有所想像時,卻突然在這個月傳出提案團隊將剩餘資產易主的消息。根據贊助者所收到的通知信件, Skully 智慧安全帽由 Ivan Contreras 與 Rafael Contreras 接手,並將公司名稱從原本的 “SKULLY, Inc.” 改為“Skully Technologies”;這兩位投資足跡遍及全球的老闆想扭轉 Skully 的命運,讓它起死回生成真正的傳奇。

“We are determined to make this right.(我們下定決心把它做對)”

如果你是當時的贊助者,你願意再次等待 Skully 嗎

以下為 SKULLY 贊助者收到的信件原文:

You are receiving this email because you are part of the SKULLY Nation and we are bringing back the SKULLY helmet.

We are happy to inform you that the assets of SKULLY, Inc., have been acquired by Ivan Contreras and Rafael Contreras, successful businessmen in a variety of global turnaround industrial and technology ventures, with the goal of fulfilling SKULLY’s destiny.

Ivan Contreras, President of the new company SKULLY Technologies, assembled a new leadership team and has located the headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia.

SKULLY Technologies is unrelated to the former SKULLY, Inc., which filed bankruptcy and is no longer in business.  Although SKULLY Technologies has no formal obligation to the customers of the now defunct SKULLY, Inc., we recognize that hundreds of SKULLY helmet enthusiasts around the world have contributed to this product and were understandably disappointed that they never received one.

We are determined to make this right.

We will be sharing more updates soon on SKULLY and the revival of the SKULLY Nation.

Ivan Contreras
SKULLY Technologies


〈AR helmet startup Skully may have risen from the dead〉

